Observatory Renovation

CICADA’s mission is to change the world for the better. Better doesn’t always mean brand new. Sometimes this means helping historic or existing buildings adapt to changing needs and environments around them. Old buildings are ultimately beneficial for their embodied energy, quality of construction, and cultural value. CICADA has engaged in both lowercase and uppercase preservation, ranging from the preservation of existing affordable housing to the restoration of historically designated buildings.

In support of our clients’ missions and to encourage the reuse of existing structures, CICADA offers services from initial planning and existing conditions studies through design and construction. This includes master planning + space planning, property conditions assessments, adaptive reuse, renovations, facade restorations, energy retrofits, accessibility + egress retrofits and additions.

215- 247-1430
1520 Locust Street, Suite 702, Philadelphia, PA 19102
  • Vaux Big Picture High School

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