A cornerstone is the first stone set in a building’s foundation — an indispensable building block. Members of the Cornerstone Society play an essential role, contributing significantly to the work and mission of the Preservation Alliance. Cornerstone Members help to ensure the Alliance’s ability to effectively advocate for a wide range of historic preservation issues in the Philadelphia region.
Cornerstone Society Memberships
Cornerstone Society members are invited to exclusive annual events including the Architectural Dinner and the Cornerstone Society reception.
Your membership can be paid monthly, quarterly, or annually. To set up a recurring payment or if you need further assistance, please contact our membership office at info@preservationalliance.com or call 215-546-1146.

JOIN or RENEW by selecting one of the links below. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.
Thank you to our Cornerstone Society Members for their generous support
Cornerstone Leaders
Leo Addimando
Christopher Aker
Barbara B. and Theodore R. Aronson
Ann and David Brownlee
Russell H. Harris, M.D.
Doug Jordan
Janet Klein
David Seltzer & Lisa Roberts
Oona Sperr
Lisa M. Witomski
Cornerstone Partners
David Haas
Frederick Haas
Peter and Emilie Lapham
Tim and Marissa Shaaban
Dane and Joan Wells
Cornerstone Circle
Kathleen M. Abplanalp
Elizabeth S. Browne
Phillippa Campbell
Mary Werner DeNadai
Sara Jane Elk
James R. Epstein and Thomas A. Hess
Barry L. Grossbach
Henry “Jeb” Hart, Jr.
David Hollenberg and Linda Bantel
Katherine and Julian Jiggins
Barbara and Jerry Kaplan
Mary and Steven Kurtz
Anthony and Kathleen Naccarato
Dean and Nancy Nance
Peter and Caroline Piven
Raymond Rola
Cornerstone Benefactors
Francesca Ammon
Julie J. and Robert Bryan
Eugene B. and Deborah B. Lefevre
Barbara Eberlein and Jerry Wind
Daniel Gordon
Alan and Diana Horwitz
Daniel and Jean McCoubrey
Allyson Young Schwartz
A. Roy Smith
Cornerstone Associates
Lawrence Arem
Theo and Kristin Aronson
Sandra Baldino
Kenneth Balin and Hye Yon Pyo
Max Berger
Bart Blatstein
Peter Bloomfield
Jacob Cooper and Natalie Aronson
Emily T. Cooperman
Stephanie Craighead
Richard and Jayne Davies
Steven Erisoty
Katharine Farnham
Edward and Shannon Farmer
Mark Focht
Elizabeth Gemmill
Steve Gendler
John Gibson, DMD
Christopher Gruits
Nan Gutterman
Harrison Haas
Donna Ann Harris
Dominique Hawkins
James and Pamela Hill
Richard and Susan Huffman
Timothy and Aurora Hughes
Arthur Kaplan and Duane Perry
Marian A. Kornilowicz and Terri Paris
John Kromer and Kathleen Nelson
Thomas McCarron and Richard Keiser
George McNeely
Christopher and Shannon Miller
William Millhollen
Martha Moore
Barbara Oldenhoff
Edward Opall and Terry Mogul
Steven Peitzman
Robert and Lauren Powers
Joanne Semeister
Paulene Shaffer
Leah Silverstein
Jon and Karen Sirlin
Laird and Trudy Slade
Richard Speizman & Faith Horowitz
Wendy Stark
Elizabeth Stegner
Paul Steinke
Robert Thomas
Brian Wentz
Janice Woodcock