In With the Old

YFPA is thrilled to announce the 2023 edition of In With The Old, where we come together to celebrate historic preservation in the Philadelphia region. This year we’ll be celebrating in the beautiful Duke & Duke Boardroom at 123 South Broad Street.

Pennsylvania Historic Tax Credit Advocacy

Currently, the PA historic tax credit program is capped at only $5 million annually, a highly inadequate sum given the demand for historic rehabilitation projects around the Commonwealth. Now is the time for Pennsylvania to strengthen its historic tax credit program!

The People of Frankford

The roadway we now know as Frankford Avenue had its origins as a Lenape Indian trail. However, the English were not the first Europeans to settle in what is now Frankford, with the Swedes having earlier set up mills along the creek.  English colonization, led by the Quakers, eventually resulted in the Lenape Indian trail

The Communities of Rose Valley

In 1901, Philadelphia architect William Price and a cohort of like-minded friends purchased eighty acres of land surrounding what had been Rose Valley Mills in Delaware County.  Their primary focus was to design and construct a new community based on the principles of the Arts and Crafts movement, specifically the relationship of men to their

Historic Haddonfield New Jersey

Haddonfield was founded in the early 18th century by Elizabeth Haddon, as a community where Quakers could worship and live in peace. Haddonfield quickly grew into the largest town in southern New Jersey and the market town for the region. The town became a reluctant host to both the British and patriot armies during the

The Powelton Village Historic District

The Powelton Village Historic District, comprised of over 900 properties, was added to the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places in November 2022.  District nominations are not meant to be comprehensive neighborhood histories, and yet much social history must be understood to make sense of the development history, and vice versa.  This talk will look mainly

Unheeded & Lone: The Byberry Township African American Burial Ground

There is an unmarked and overgrown African American burial ground located in Byberry Township in northeast Philadelphia. Originally, the name of this site was The Burying Place For All Free Negroes or People of Color within Byberry. The name has since been changed to The Byberry Township African American Burial Ground. This presentation will discuss

The Baldwin Park Neighborhood

The Baldwin Park neighborhood is the area within two blocks of Matthias Baldwin Park, located at 423 North 19th Street. This talk will trace the history of the neighborhood from the Lenni Lenape; to the country estates of William Penn and Andrew Hamilton; to how steam, coal, iron, and railroads allowed the industrialists including Matthias

The Suburban Development of Lansdowne at the Turn of the Century

Lansdowne Borough is an early commuter suburb that developed in the late 19th– early 20th Centuries as a result of the railroad’s expansion through the area. Several subdivisions, including two National Register districts and one of the earliest themed neighborhoods, were developed in this time period. The borough retains an amazing number of historic buildings- over

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