Alliance Publications
The following publications can be downloaded in PDF form by clicking on the title of the document. A hard copy may be requested by contacting

How to Navigate the Historical Review Process in Philadelphia
A comprehensive guide for historic property owners that explains the Philadelphia Historical Commission review process, from permit application to final approval.

A Guide to Identifying and Evaluating Opportunities for Shared Use of Religious Properties
A guide to assist congregations that wish to explore shared uses or leasing portions of their properties.

How to Nominate an Individual Building, Structure, Site or Object to the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places
A step-by-step guide, updated for 2021.

Sense of Place: Design Guidelines for New Construction in Historic Districts
Includes case studies of new construction in historic districts, evaluates and analyzes this new infill and provides recommendations for future designs.

Handbook for Community Organizations
A collection of historic preservation resources that serves as the Alliance’s “Preservation 101″ handbook, from “Why Preserve?” to “Financial Subsidies, Incentives and Grants for Historic Preservation.”

Yorktown: An Historic Philadelphia Neighborhood
An illustrated history of Yorktown’s planning and development, based on our resource survey of its residential properties as a basis for developing a National Register nomination of the historic neighborhood.
Historic Resources
Many of Philadelphia’s most beloved buildings would not be standing today if it were not for basic legal protections and policies written into local and federal law. Each of the programs below contribute to the protection of our irreplaceable historic resources. Click on the links below to learn more.
Philadelphia Register of Historic Places
Listing on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places protects a building from adverse alteration and unnecessary demolition.
National Register of Historic Places
Listing on the National Register of Historic Places provides recognition of the significance of a historic place. Some properties listed on the National Register may be eligible for financial incentives for rehabilitation.
Preservation easements ensure a building’s historic character will be maintained in perpetuity.
Neighborhood Conservation Districts
Conservation districts help protect a neighborhood’s unique sense of place. Each of these programs contributes to the protection of our irreplaceable historic resources.
Additional Resources
Click any category below for links to local resources
- Center City District
- Center City Residents Association
- Chestnut Hill Conservancy
- East Mt. Airy Neighbors
- Logan Square Neighborhood Association
- Mt. Airy USA
- New Kensington CDC
- Old City District
- Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations
- Philadelphia Neighborhood Information System
- Queen Village Neighborhood Association
- Society Hill Civic Association
- Tacony Civic Association
- University City Historical Society
- University City District
- West Mt. Airy Neighbors
- Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art
- Bucks County Historical Society
- Bucks County Planning Commission
- Chester County History Center
- Chester County Planning Commission
- Delaware County Historical Society
- Delaware County Planning Commission
- Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
- Heritage Conservancy
- Lower Merion Historical Society
- Lower Merion Conservancy
- Montgomery County Conservancy
- Montgomery County Lands Trust
- Montgomery County Planning Commission
- National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Natural Lands Trust
- Partners for Sacred Places
- Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
- Preservation Pennsylvania
- Historical Society of Frankford
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania
- The Independence Hall Association
- Independence Historical Trust
- PA-SHARE — Pennsylvania’s GIS and online project management system
- Philadelphia Architects and Buildings Project
- Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries
- Philadelphia Athenaeum
- Philadelphia City Archive
- Society to Preserve Philadelphia African American Assets
- American Institute of Architects – AIA Philadelphia
- Center for Architecture & Design
- Community Design Collaborative
- Design Advocacy Group – DAG
- Hidden City Philadelphia
- Jefferson University College of Architecture and the Built Environment
- Temple University Tyler School of Art & Architecture
- University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design
- The Architectural Committee meets monthly in Room 18-029, 1515 Arch Street.
- The Historical Commission meets the second Friday of the month at 9:00 am, 1515 Arch Street Room 18-029.
- The Committee on Historic Designation and Committee on Financial Hardship meet on an as-needed basis.
Sample Register of Historic Places Nominations
Click any category below for links to pdfs
- 1501-05 Fairmount Avenue
- Chinese Cultural and Community Center
- Dox Thrash House
- Horn & Hardart Building, 15-21 S. 11th Street
- Joe Frazier’s Gym
- Kensington Soup Kitchen
- Paschalville Free Library, 6942 Woodland Avenue
- Penn Treaty Park
- Philadelphia Saving Fund Society Logan Branch
- Philadelphia Saving Fund Society Lehigh Branch
- Philadelphia Saving Fund Society South Broad Branch
- Philadelphia Saving Fund Society West Philadelphia Branch
- Stiffel Senior Center
- United Fund Building, 1709 Benjamin Franklin Parkway